Faculty Members

Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences  [2025.01.06]

Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Earth and Planetary Sciences Course

Research Field Name Title Fields of Specialization
Earth Environmental Systems TAKANO, Masao Professor sustainability, renewable energy, organic agriculture, ESD: education for sustainable development
HIRANO, Yasuhiro Professor TreeRootRcology,ForestEcology,ForestSoil,EnvironmentalScience,DisasterMitigation、
MIYASAKA, Takafumi Lecturer Social?ecological systems, Landscape ecology, Ecosystem services, Desertification, Protected areas, Natural resource management, Drylands, National parks
Geology and Geobiology TAKEUCHI, Makoto Professor geology, sedimenatary petrology, provenanve analysis, geological map, ジルコン年代
MICHIBAYASHI, Katsuyoshi Professor 地殻・マントル変動学、olivine, mantle, 地球変動学(地球のレオロジー)、Rock and Mineral Sciences, fault and shear zone, Structural Geology, oceanic plate
KOUKETSU, Yui Assoc. Prof. Petrology, Spectroscopy, Metamorphic rocks, 変質岩、Mineralogy
TAKAHASHI, Satoshi Assoc. Prof. Earth history, Microfossil, Geochemistry, Mass extinction event, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Geology, Paleontology, Mass extinction event
HUMBLET, Marc Andre Assoc. Prof. Carbonate sedimentology, Coral reefs, Quaternary, Sea level change, Climate change, Coral taxonomy
HAYASHI, Seiji Lecturer Paleontology, mollusca, evolution, science education
Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry HIDAKA, Hiroshi Professor 天然原子炉、核分裂、neutron capture, isotope, cosmochemistry, cosmic rays, rare earth elements, lunar regolth, spallation, extinct nuclide, mass spectromtery, meteorite
MIMURA, Kouichi Professor プレカンブリアン、二酸化炭素固定、地球外物質、微生物、有機物、生命の起源、衝撃反応、進化、隕石
ASAHARA, Yoshihiro Assoc. Prof. analytical chemistry, geochemistry, isotope, geochronology, mass spectrometry, paleoenvironment, geoenvironment, sediment, sedimentary rock, marine geochemistry, igneous rock, resource geology, concretion, archaeology
HIRAHARA, Yasuhiro Assoc. Prof. Milimeter-wave astronomy, Molecular Spectroscopy, Interstellar Chemistry, Infrared Astronomy
HASHIGUCHI, Minako Asst. Prof. 地球外物質、extraterrestrial material, 宇宙化学、cosmochemistry, 有機物、organic matter, 質量分析
Earth and Planetary Physics KUMAGAI, Hiroyuki Professor 地震発生物理学、火山地震学
WATANABE, Sei-ichiro Professor 惑星科学、地球初期進化、基礎環境学、惑星探査
SHIRONO, Shinichi Assoc. Prof. chondrule, Protoplanetary nebula, planetesimal
NAMIKI, Atsuko Assoc. Prof. volcanology, Rheology, Fracture
Ecology SUGITANI, Kenichiro Professor greenstone belt, chert, the Pilbara Craton, isotope, evolution of early life, Archean, microfossil, trace elements, organic matter, hydrotehrmal, crustal evolution
YODA, Ken Professor バイオロギング、動物生態学、動物行動学、水圏生態学
SHOJI, Akiko Professor 行動生態学、バイオロギング、海洋汚染、海洋保全
GOTO, Yusuke Assoc. Prof. バイオロギンング、動物行動学、数理モデル、鳥
MIZUTANI, Yuichi Designated Asst. Prof. telomere, Animal physiological ecology, ethology, seabird
Earth and Planetary Dynamics SAGIYA, Takeshi Professor (Joint Member) Crustal dynamics, Physics of the earth's interior, Seismology, Geodesy
TERAKAWA, Toshiko Professor Earthquakes, Crustal stress, Pore fluid pressure, Inversion analysis, 地震火山相互作用
WATANABE, Toshiki Professor Exploration of subsurface structure, Seismic wave analysis, Wave propagation, Geophysical exploration
ITO, Takeo Assoc. Prof. GNSS, crustal deformation, Earth tide, earthquake
TADOKORO, Keiichi Assoc. Prof. Nankai Trough, Earthquake, Active Fault, Ocean Bottom Crustal Deformation, Ryukyu Trench
HASHIMOTO, Chihiro Assoc. Prof. Earthquake physics, Tectonophysics, Inversion analysis, Convergent plate boundary zone, Numerical simulation
YAMANAKA, Yoshiko Assoc. Prof. 地震波解析、歴史地震学、火山地震学、震源過程
ICHIHARA, Hiroshi Lecturer Magnetotelluric method, Subsurface structure, Subduction zone, Geophysical exploration
MAEDA, Yuta Lecturer Seismic wave analysis
KIM, Heangyoong Designated Lecturer Geomorphological process, Crustal deformation, Active faults, Island arc deformation, Coastal and bathymetry, Sea level changes, Regional disaster prevention
Chronology and Natural History KADOWAKI, Seiji Professor Human evolution, Prehistory, Early agriculture, Neolithic, Paleolithic, Stone artifacts, Archaeology, West Asia
KITAGAWA, Hiroyuki Professor Accelerator mass spectrometry, isotope analysis, global warming, climatic changes, Environmental archeology, Quaternary geochronology
MINAMI, Masayo Professor Fossil bone, Isotope, sediment, Radiocarbon, meteorite
YOSHIDA, Hidekazu Professor Mass transport, weathering, redox process, water-rock interaction, subsurface usage, nuclear geology, engineering geology
KATO, Takenori Assoc. Prof. Geochronology, Petrology, Electron Probe Microanalysis
TSUKADA, Kzuhiro Assoc. Prof. Tectonics of Eurasia
NISHIDA, Sachiko Assoc. Prof. Plant Taxonomy, Plant Ecology, Plant Morphology
FUJIWARA, Shin-ichi Lecturer Vertebrate Paleontology, Functional Morphology
ODA, Hirotaka Asst. Prof. Radiocarbon dating, Ancient Japanese document, Kohitsugire calligraphy, AMS

Hydrospheric-Atmospheric Sciences Course

Research Field Name Title Fields of Specialization
Global Environmental Variation SHINODA, Masato Professor Ecological climatology, 生態気候学
NAKATSUKA, Takeshi Professor Paleoclimatology, Paleoceanography, Isotopic Ratio, Tree Ring
SAKAI, Akiko Assoc. Prof. Glacier, High Mountain Asia, Discharge from glacier
TANIGUCHI, Makoto Visiting Prof.
Climate Science SUDO, Kengo Professor Aerosols, Climate Dynamics, Chemistry-Climate Modelling, Atmospheric Chemistry, Air Pollution, Atmospheric Oxidation Power, Stratospheric and Tropospheric Ozone, Future Climate Projection, Global Warming, Chemical Transport Model
FUJITA, Koji Professor glacier, cryosphere
UEMURA, Ryu Assoc. Prof. Paleoclimate, Geochemistry, Ice core, Analytical chemistry , Stable isotope, Speleothem
MATSUI, Hitoshi Assoc. Prof. Aerosol, Atmospheric Environment, Three-dimensional model, Climate Change
NAGAO, Ippei Asst. Prof. atmospheric aerosol, atmospheric physics and chemistry, marine biogenic sulfur compounds
Global Geochemistry OSADA, Kazuo Professor Atmospheric aerosol particles, Atmospheric environment, PM2.5, Ammonia, Deposition processes from the atmosphere, Asian dust, 大気成分の測定法開発
TSUNOGAI, Urumu Professor Biogeochemistry, Geochemistry of Ocean and Atmosphere, Volcanology, Primary production, nutrients, Hydrogen, carbon dioxide, Methane, Oxygen, Ozone, Geochemistry, Green house gases, Mass Spectrometry, Unconventional Natural Energy, Isotopes, Extreme environments, Limnology, Forest, Ocean, Volcanic fluids and gases
NAKAGAWA, Fumiko Assoc. Prof. 同位体地球化学、地球温暖化、大気環境、富栄養化、水環境、物質循環、環境化学、生物地球化学
YAMAZAKI, Atsuko Lecturer coral reef, paleo environment, carbonate, biogeochemical cycle
ABE, Osamu Asst. Prof. coral annual bands, stable isotope, oceanography, biogeochemical cycles
NISHIDA, Tamihito Asst. Prof. 有機地球化学、海洋、海洋溶存有機物 宇宙化学、生物地球化学
UEDA, Sayako Designated Asst. Prof. 大気エアロゾル
ITO, Masanori Designated Asst. Prof. 生物地球化学、物質循環、大気・海洋化学、火山学、安定同位体、質量分析
SAMBUICHI, Takashi Designated Asst. Prof. 安定同位体地球化学、リン酸、三酸素同位体組成、物質循環、生物地球化学
TANIMOTO, hirosi Visiting Prof.
Global Water Cycle AIKI, Hidenori Professor coupled numerical simulation for coastal environment, air-sea boundary layer, global wave dynamcis, physical oceanography
TAKAHASHI, Nobuhiro Professor 人工衛星、Meteorology Radar
TSUBOKI, Kazuhisa Professor meteorology
HIYAMA, Tetsuya Professor Global Warming, Climate change, Global water cycle, Global carbon cycle, Permafrost, Groundwater, Vulnerability
MOCHIDA, Michihiro Professor Atmospheric Aerosol, Atmospheric Chemistry
KURITA, Naoyuki Assoc. Prof. Water cycle
SHINODA, Taro Assoc. Prof. 雲・降水システム、雲解像数値モデル、大気境界層、パラメタリゼーション、熱帯気象
MASUNAGA, Hirohiko Assoc. Prof. Climatology, Algorithm development for satellite data analysis, Satellite remote sensing, Precipitation, Cloud
FUJINAMI, Hatsuki Lecturer Asian monsoon, Tibetan Plateau, mainland China, Bangladesh, cloud, precipitation, convective activity, inaterannual variation, seasonal variation, diurnal variation, intraseasonal variation
OHATA, Sho Asst. Prof. (Concurrent Faculty Member) エアロゾル、Atmospheric chemistry
MINO, Yoshihisa Asst. Prof. 光合成、安定同位体、沈降粒子、物質循環、生物地球化学

Department of Environmental Engineering and Architecture  [2025.01.06]

Sustainable Development Course

Sustainable Development Course
Research Field Name Title Fields of Specialization
Sustainable Urban Development NAKAMURA, Hideki Professor Traffic flow, Highway planning and design, Traffic safety, Impact of automated driving on traffic flows, Traffic operations
Kato, Hirokazu Professor (Joint Member) Decarbonization Urban & Transport Strategy, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Transport and Environmental Planning, Local Public Transport Strategy, Strategy for Sustainable Region, Clinical Environmental Studies
IWAMATSU, Sho-ichi Assoc. Prof. Sustainable cities and communities, Resource utilization, Material transformation, Green chemistry, Synthetic organic chemistry, Fullerenes, Heterocyclic compounds
ZHANG, Xin Lecturer (Joint Member) Roundabout, Signal phase, User behavior, Pedestrian
FUJITA, Tsuyoshi Visiting Prof.
Functional Materials and Environment HIBINO, Takashi Professor エネルギー材料、燃料電池、水素生成、廃バイオマス・プラスチック、炭素資源活用
ZINCHENKO, Anatoly Assoc. Prof. Nanotechnology, Recycling technologies, Materials from waste biomass and plastics, Environmental cleaning
NAGAO, Masahiro Assoc. Prof. Fuel cell, Battery, Biomass Use, Machine Learning, Optimization Computation
Material-Systems Science in Environment Tanikawa, Hiroki Professor Weight of Cities, Material Stock Flow Analysis, Stock-based Society, Material Stock Flow Analysis, Material Flow and Stock Analysis, Quantification of Material Stock with AI, Sound Material Cycle Society, 森林バイオマス、資源循環、City-scale Sustainability, City-scale Sustainability Assessment, Carbon Stock of City, Material Metabolism of City, Weight of Cities, Weight of the cities, Material Flow and Stock Analysis, Sustainability, City-scale Environmental Assessment
HIRAYAMA, Nagahisa Assoc. Prof. (Joint Member) Water Supply System, BCP, Disaster Resilience, Disaster Debris Management, Environmental Emergency Management, Environmental & Sanitary Engineering
SHIRAKAWA, Hiroaki Assoc. Prof. Economic evaluation for climate change policy, Economic valuation of environmental risks, Ecnomic evaluation for Environmental policy
HASEGAWA, Masatoshi Asst. Prof. マテリアルストック・フロー分析、ストック型社会、都市の物質代謝
ICHINOSE, Toshiaki Visiting Prof.
Risk Management for Natural and Built Environment MORI, Yasuhiro Professor 構造信頼性工学、耐震工学、性能設計、荷重・外力論、リスク評価/マネジメント、維持管理・保全
LEE, Sihwan Assoc. Prof. 空気質環境、換気設備、温熱快適性、環境シミュレーション
Land, Infrastructure and Transportation Management MIWA, Tomio Professor (Concurrent Faculty Member) 次世代モビリティと交通計画、住民主体による交通計画、交通行動分析、交通需要予測、交通シミュレーション
SHIRAKI, Hiroto Assoc. Prof. Energy system analysis, Energy consumption behavior analysis, Carbon neutral society, Power and energy system analysis using mathematical models, Technological and economic assessment of climate change mitigation measures
IRYO, Miho Assoc. Prof. Personal mobility / micromobility, Traffic Simulation, Traffic Safety, Pedestrian Traffic, Quality of Service Evaluation for Road Traffic, Road Traffic Engineering
HIGASHI, Osamu Invited Teacher

Architecture Course

Architecture Course
Research Field Name Title Fields of Specialization
Environmental and Safety Management NISHIZAWA, Yasuhiko Professor 建築史(日本および東アジアの近代建築)、技術史、土木史(都市基盤施設)
IIZUKA, Satoru Professor 温熱環境、空気環境、風環境、室内環境、屋外環境、都市環境、市街地火災、建物火災、数値流体力学
OZAKI, Fuminobu Professor 構造耐火、構造力学、鋼構造、火災工学、信頼性工学
MIYAWAKI, Masaru Assoc. Prof. 都市計画、アーバンデザイン、景観計画、都市再生、まちづくり
SAITO, Koji Asst. Prof. 建築計画、公共施設、ファシリティマネジメント、建築設計
TOBITA, Jun Professor (Joint Member) 建築構造、地震工学、地域防災、振動モニタリング
MORI, Masafumi Professor (Joint Member) 耐震構造、地震工学、地震防災、基礎構造、地盤と建物の動的相互作用効果
NAGAE, Takuya Assoc. Prof. (Joint Member) 建築構造、耐震工学
Architectural and Environmental Design Komatsu, Hisashi Professor 建築計画、居場所論、建築ストックマネジメント
SAITO, Teruyuki Professor 環境心理・生理、温熱環境評価、空調・換気評価、省エネ対策
HOTTA, Yoshihiro Assoc. Prof. 建築設計および建築意匠(近現代における建築・都市デザイン分析)
UKAI, Makiko Assoc. Prof. 建築設備、自然エネルギー・未利用エネルギー、システムの最適運転制御
YAMASAKI, Junya Asst. Prof. 都市環境工学、気候変動対策、都市計画・まちづくり、環境影響評価
TANAKA, Hideki Professor (Joint Member) 建築環境設備、都市・建築の省エネルギー、自然・未利用エネルギー活用
TSUNEKAWA, Kazuhisa Professor (Joint Member) 建築計画、環境デザイン研究、キャンパス計画、ファシリティマネジメント
LI, Yan Lecturer (Joint Member) 建築計画、図書館計画、キャンパス施設計画
Building Structure and Construction Systems HIBINO, Yo Assoc. Prof. 鉄筋コンクリート構造、耐震工学
IGARASHI, Go Assoc. Prof. 建築材料学、セメント化学、地球化学、分析化学
AILI, Abudushalamu Asst. Prof. 材料分析、セメント化学、コンクリート工学
MARUYAMA, Ippei Visiting Prof. コンクリート工学、セメント化学、熱力学

Department of Social and Human Environment  [2025.01.06]

Department of Social and Human Environment
Research Field Name Title Fields of Specialization
Environmental Policies MIKAMI Naoyuki Professor 市民参加、ミニ・パブリックス、気候市民会議、気候変動と民主主義、民主主義のイノベーション、テクノロジーアセスメント、科学技術コミュニケーション、科学技術社会論、環境社会学
MARUYAMA, Yasushi Professor Renewable Energy, Sustainability, Environmental Sociology, Social Acceptance, Science, Technology, Society
NAKANO, Makiko Professor Environmental Economics, 持続可能な消費、環境イノベーション、生産性分析
Takahashi, Makoto Professor Natural disaster and risk governance, Community development in city and countryside, Changing rural societies and regions
WAKUTA, Yukihiro Assoc. Prof. (Joint Member) instituional theory, entrepreneurship ,network organization
NAIKI, yoshiko Professor (Joint Member) Sustainability, Global Value Chains, Smart Cities, International Standardization, Transnational Governance, Soft Law
MUROI, Kenji Assoc. Prof. (Joint Member) 脆弱性や復興格差の形成メカニズム、資源管理と防災、開発
MOTOSU, Memi Designated Assoc. Prof. 社会的受容、風力発電、再生可能エネルギー、脱炭素、ゲーミング、環境社会学、環境心理学
Economic Environment Kato, Takafumi Professor Spatial econometrics, Spatial statistics
MATSUMOTO, Mutsumi Professor Tax competition, Regional policy coordination, Environmental federalism, Fiscal decentralization,
NAKANO, Makiko Professor (Joint Member) Environmental Economics, 持続可能な消費、環境イノベーション、生産性分析
NAKADA, Minoru Assoc. Prof. Environmental Policy and Economic Growth, Economic Development, Energy and Resource Market & Technological Progress, Political Economics, Location Theory, Trade and the Environment
WAKUTA, Yukihiro Assoc. Prof. instituional theory, entrepreneurship ,network organization
Environmental Law and Politics NAIKI, yoshiko Professor Sustainability, Global Value Chains, Smart Cities, International Standardization, Transnational Governance, Soft Law
NOMURA, Ko Professor Area Studies (Asia-Pacific), Policy Process, Research methodology, Environmental Politics, Environmental Education
MASUZAWA, Yoko Assoc. Prof. 環境法、環境政策、化学物質、リスク管理、予防原則、環境影響評価
KAMO, Michiko Designated Assoc. Prof. 日本政治史、占領史研究、メディア統制、歴史認識
Sociology MARUYAMA, Yasushi Professor (Joint Member) Renewable Energy, Sustainability, Environmental Sociology, Social Acceptance, Science, Technology, Society
TACHIKAWA, Masashi Professor food, agriculture, rural society, urban food policy, emerging technology, genome-editing, governance
NIBE, Nobuhiko Professor グローバル化、ネットワーク、まちづくり、社会的評価、階層、階級、集合行為、集団
KAMIMURA, Yasuhiro Assoc. Prof. welfare sociology, comparative social policy
KAWAMURA, Noriyuki Assoc. Prof. Contemporary Society, Social System, Local Community
FUKUI, Yasutaka Assoc. Prof. Social Stratification, New Economic Sociology, Quantitative Sociology, Historical Sociology, Japanese Employment System, Job Matching, Social Network, Social Enterprise, Social Innovation
MUROI, Kenji Assoc. Prof. 脆弱性や復興格差の形成メカニズム、資源管理と防災、開発
YOSHIMURA, Mai Lecturer 生業、漁業・漁村、資源管理、文化遺産
Geography SUZUKI, Yasuhiro Professor (Joint Member) Hazard Map, Active Fault Research, Disaster Geography
Takahashi, Makoto Professor (Joint Member) Natural disaster and risk governance, Community development in city and countryside, Changing rural societies and regions
YOKOYAMA, Satoshi Professor cultural ecology, political ecology, Southeast Asia, livelifood, natural resource use, food culture, fermented foods, indigenous knowledge
IMAZATO, Satoshi Professor rural landscape, environmental perception, folk classification, minor place name, rural social structure, local organization, folk religion, island studies, geographical thought
IGA, Masaya Assoc. Prof. food geography, food network, globalization, shrimp farming, heterogenization
SAITO, Hitoshi Assoc. Prof. Physical Geography, Landslide Hazard, Climate Change, Drone, Geographic Information System (GIS)
MATSUOKA, Yuka Asst. Prof. メンタルヘルス、精神障がい、福祉、障がいの地理学、健康地理学

Earthquake and Volcano Research Center  [2025.01.06]

Earthquake and Volcano Research Center
Research Field Name Title Fields of Specialization
SAGIYA, Takeshi Professor (Joint Member) Crustal dynamics, Physics of the earth's interior, Seismology, Geodesy
TERAKAWA, Toshiko Professor Earthquakes, Crustal stress, Pore fluid pressure, Inversion analysis, 地震火山相互作用
WATANABE, Toshiki Professor Exploration of subsurface structure, Seismic wave analysis, Wave propagation, Geophysical exploration
SUZUKI, Yasuhiro Professor (Joint Member) Hazard Map, Active Fault Research, Disaster Geography
ITO, Takeo Assoc. Prof. GNSS, crustal deformation, Earth tide, earthquake
TADOKORO, Keiichi Assoc. Prof. Nankai Trough, Earthquake, Active Fault, Ocean Bottom Crustal Deformation, Ryukyu Trench
HASHIMOTO, Chihiro Assoc. Prof. Earthquake physics, Tectonophysics, Inversion analysis, Convergent plate boundary zone, Numerical simulation
YAMANAKA, Yoshiko Assoc. Prof. 地震波解析、歴史地震学、火山地震学、震源過程
ICHIHARA, Hiroshi Lecturer Magnetotelluric method, Subsurface structure, Subduction zone, Geophysical exploration
MAEDA, Yuta Lecturer Seismic wave analysis
KIM, Heangyoong Designated Lecturer Geomorphological process, Crustal deformation, Active faults, Island arc deformation, Coastal and bathymetry, Sea level changes, Regional disaster prevention
KURODA, Yoshihiko Visiting Prof.
MATSUTA, Nobuhisa Visiting Prof.
SUGITO, Nobuhiko Visiting Prof.
TANAKA, Shigeyoshi Visiting Prof.
IKUTA, Ryoya Visiting Assoc. Prof.
NAKAMURA, Hidenori Visiting Assoc. Prof.

Education and Research Center for Sustainable Co-Development  [2025.01.06]

Education and Research Center for Sustainable Co-Development
Research Field Name Title Fields of Specialization
Kato, Hirokazu Professor (Joint Member) Decarbonization Urban & Transport Strategy, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Transport and Environmental Planning, Local Public Transport Strategy, Strategy for Sustainable Region, Clinical Environmental Studies
HIBINO, Takashi Professor (Joint Member) エネルギー材料、燃料電池、水素生成、廃バイオマス・プラスチック、炭素資源活用
Komatsu, Hisashi Professor (Joint Member) 建築計画、居場所論、建築ストックマネジメント
NISHIZAWA, Yasuhiko Professor (Joint Member) 建築史(日本および東アジアの近代建築)、技術史、土木史(都市基盤施設)
Xu, Feifan Assoc. Prof. 都市計画、都市解析、空間解析、施設立地、気候変動影響予測・適応評価、レジリエンス都市、災害リスク評価、世界気候エネルギー首長誓約
MIYASAKA, Takafumi Lecturer (Joint Member) Social?ecological systems, Landscape ecology, Ecosystem services, Desertification, Protected areas, Natural resource management, Drylands, National parks
ZHANG, Xin Lecturer (Joint Member) Roundabout, Signal phase, User behavior, Pedestrian
HASEGAWA Akiko Designated Prof. 生物多様性、ビオトープ、近自然、世界気候エネルギー首長誓約
SUGIYAMA, Noriko Designated Prof. 世界気候エネルギー首長誓約、地域気候政策、気候変動緩和策、適応策
INAMURA, Tetsuya Visiting Prof.
Sukhee, BATTULGA Visiting Prof.
NARA, Yumiko Visiting Prof.
YAMASHITA, Hiromi Visiting Prof.
KOSAKA, Ryo Visiting Prof.
FUKUMOTO, Masayuki Visiting Assoc. Prof.
MORITA, Hiroyoshi Visiting Assoc. Prof.